[docs]defsync(id:UserIdentifier,*,client:Client,)->Optional[Union[User,Error]]:"""To get information about yourself, use `/users/me` as the endpoint. By doing so you will get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, to get information about the authenticated user, use `/user` endpoint. To get information about any Zoo user, you must be a Zoo employee."""# noqa: E501returnsync_detailed(id=id,client=client,).parsed
[docs]asyncdefasyncio(id:UserIdentifier,*,client:Client,)->Optional[Union[User,Error]]:"""To get information about yourself, use `/users/me` as the endpoint. By doing so you will get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, to get information about the authenticated user, use `/user` endpoint. To get information about any Zoo user, you must be a Zoo employee."""# noqa: E501return(awaitasyncio_detailed(id=id,client=client,)).parsed